En ook die sigaretten ben je beu. Zij nog meer. Want je stinkt uit je bek, het is daar een kerkhof van dode wormen, je muil smaakt naar natte vodden en nog nattere modder,...
This second and last part of the tale includes battles in the streets of Rome, Caravaggio’s revolutionary take on the origins of Christianity, the rivalry with Giovanni...
Jamel Shabazz has been documenting the ‘Urban Life’ for over 30 years. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY he picked up his first camera at the age of 15 and proceeded to record...
In one of the most violent outbursts in history a little-known tribe of Eurasian nomads breaks upon the great societies of the Old World like a human tsunami.
Before the dawn of WTF, Marc embraced being described as “an Iggy Pop Woody Allen.” Once WTF took off, Marc repeatedly said one of his dream guests was Iggy Pop. Now with...